dance class, workshop
Come and find your own movements!

Rita Góbi graduated at Hungarian Dance Academy as dancer, choreographer and dance teacher. Her really unique and uncanny choreographies are constructed by repetitive, miniature movements and grotesque, animalistic, distorted elements. She loves the physicality of the body and its extremes.
Rita has already given many workshops and masterclasses not only in Hungary but also abroad, like in Poland, Russia, Portugal, Czech Republic, Serbia, Netherlands, Japan, Romania, and Greece. She is also regularly invited to hold dance classes for children and youngsters.
With the help of Góbi's training and your inner concentration you can reach a new level of free dance. Recharging is guaranteed in her classes, because Gobi is a real energy bomb who is happy to share the flow of energies and lead you how to discover, to use consciously and to develop our own body and soul. Our body does not lie, it immediately communicates and shows our state of mind. At the beggining of the course we take down the rules and frameworks of everyday life, our thoughts, and without these difficulties we start to pay attention to ourselves, to release our creative energies. Conditioning sequences eventually lead us from inward observation to paired and then group connections, mutual observation, and cooperation. Each session ends with a choreographic Góbi-dance, in a cheerful and open atmosphere. During the lessons, we experience, accept, assume, and stand up for ourselves through movement. Through the sessions Rita is present as a leading voice, helping us to find our own movements.
Beginners, intermediates and professional dancers are also welcome!
Join our Gobi Dance Facebook group.
Impressions about the training:
"I am grateful for:
- the good ambient of the classes
- our wonderful exam choreography
- now I have the courage to dance 😊
Elizabet Knezics”
Read more impressions here.
You can support our company with bounty if you participate in an ONLINE Gobi Training. Bank account number of Góbi Közhasznú Kulturális Egyesület: 11705060 - 20000181
MOHA - Mozdulatművészek Háza, 2017 - Péter Peti
Gdansk, 2017 - Paweł Wyszomirski
Boris Eifman Dance Academy, 2017
Transylvania, 2017 - Emőke Kerekes
MOHA - Mozdulatművészek Háza, 2018 - Gábor Dusa
Veszprém, 2019
Workshop Foundation, Trafó, 2019 - Marcell Piti